Thompsonville Tribune | Issue 3 | February 2023
Welcome back to a semi-late of the Thompsonville Tribune. February was rather interesting, to say the least. I did not have internet most of the time (and still don’t) so I’ve been stuck using my mobile hotspot. More of a minor inconvenience if anything. Nonetheless, I still made good progress and achieved almost all my goals for the month. I also made a new logo!
Hollow Hunters Website | Feb 2023 OVERHAUL!?
A couple of weeks back, I unpublished the website maintenance. That same day, I decided to try using Editor X, which is basically Wix’s more advanced software. It was so laggy and I couldn’t transfer the site back to Wix! So, I just said screw it and started from scratch.
Comics page (unfinished)
I’m not gonna go through every small change, so I’ll just highlight the more important stuff:
· An Art Gallery with 3 different sections (Portfolio, Doodle Dump, and Fan Art)
· Comics page is more organized
· An About page with a summary of the series plot.
· Overall, a much cleaner look. The mobile format should be usable this time.
The site still hasn’t been published yet, nor will it be for a hot minute. There’s still a lot of stuff I wanna try and iron out.
Hollow Grounds is Back!!!
Last month, I put Hollow Grounds on hold since I felt that I had too many ongoing projects. Long story short, that didn’t last very long…
Originally, I was just going to pick NG characters myself, but I instead opted to make a request thread. Speaking of which, if you’d like to make a request, send it my way! Just make sure to read the rules first.
ENA, requested by @Thetageist
Forest Walk is almost out of the Concept Phase
I’ve got a basic synopsis for “Forest Walk”, along with the names of its characters (Lucy, Sarah, Mark, Billy, and Elliot). All I gotta do now is make designs for said characters, then it’s off to writing the story.
No Handbook yet?
Sadly, I didn’t get to making the pages for The Hunter’s Handbook in February. That will be my main priority for this month. These first pages of the Handbook will be an overview of the Hollow specie as a whole.
Goals for March 2023
· Make pages for “The Hunter’s Handbook” (for real this time)
· Make character designs for “Forest Walk”
· Add graphics and finish pages for the Website
· More world-building, as usual
That's all for February! If you've got any questions, then lemme know, and I'll try to answer them as soon as possible. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a good day!
_Levi Brotherton_