Thompsonville Tribune | Issue 2 | January 2023
The Thompsonville Tribune has returned, this time boasting a more organized format. This month was slow going at first, with a couple of bigger projects coming in at the last second.
Recent Works
Doodle Dump Banner
Hollow Hunters Website | Jan2023 Update
- SEO settings updated and the site has been indexed. Now when you look up Hollow Hunters, you should get some more accurate results.
- NEW PAGE: GALLERY. All Hollow Hunters drawings that aren't comics will be displayed here.
- NEW PAGE: DOODLE DUMP. A sub-category of the Gallery. Features concept art and other silly sketches.
- The Comics page has been organized, and room has been made for "The Hunter's Handbook".
- Minor visual changes, namely boxes around most text to make words more visible.
- A better summary of the series is shown on Home Page.
The Hunter's Handbook Title Cover
New Projects
The Hunter's Handbook
A bestiary, recounting some of the most twisted freaks Thompsonville has to offer...
This book will go into detail on every specie of Hollow that Mason and Rogers have encountered. For now, I will only reveal a certain amount of Hollows, then show off the others as they make their way into the comics. Pages will drop on a monthly basis. This month will be an in-depth overview of what a Hollow actually is.
Old Project Updates
- Forest Walk - In Production
Concept Phase. Not much progress was made last month.
- Hollow Grounds - BackLog
Work on Hollow Grounds has been paused for a moment, as I feel too many projects are in the works at one time.
This Month's Goals
- Make the website more "mobile friendly".
- Add another Gallery. Most likely for my bigger drawings.
- Get "Forest Walk" out of the Concept Phase.
- More World-building.
- Finish pages for "The Hunter's Handbook"
That's all for this month's update. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and have a good day!
_Levi B._